Ten Days In Diapers

A social and private emotional experiment.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Day Four: Morning

Mental: Righteous
Physical: A little stoned from too much sleep... not a bad thing! :-)
# Diapers Used: 19

Wow... I think blogging about how much sleeping in diapers sucks must have been just the outlet I needed, 'cause last night I slept like a LOG. I went to bed a little after midnight and, aside from a quick change around 5am, slept until almost 10:30 this morning. I feel great, if a little groggy. Heaven knows I needed the rest.

Interesting/gross fact of the day: For the first time, I replaced the trash bag of my "diaper bin" (really just an ordinary 13 gal. trash can with a hinged lid). The bag was sooo heavy that I couldn't resist weighing it. Just FYI, 19 wet diapers weigh approximately 24 pounds.

The breakdown:

The average wet diaper weighs 1.26 pounds.

Assuming that the "six a day" figure (see last night's post) holds true, that means the average diaper-wearer will go through 2,190 diapers/year, and add approximately 2759.4 POUNDS of diapers to the landfill each year. That's OVER A TON OF DIRTY DIAPERS PER PERSON PER YEAR. And I'm pretty sure these suckers don't biodegrade very quickly, if at all.


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